News > Deputy Director of International Relations at the University of Tours Visit TMU


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Deputy Director of International Relations at the University of Tours Visit TMU

On Tuesday, November, 21, 2017, Dr. Marc Desmet, the deputy director of international relations at the University of Tours in France paid a visit to TMU.

In his visit, Dr. Desmet held talks with Dr. Saeedi, the deputy for international scientific collaboration, Dr. Vahdati Nasab, a faculty member of humanities faculty, Dr. Rajabi and Dr. Sima, faculty members of Civil Engineering and Environment Faculties.

At the beginning of this meeting, Dr. Saeedi welcomed the visitor and gave a brief description of TMU’s history.

In his turn, Dr. Desmet talked about his university’s new policy and its shift of focus from America and Europe towards countries such as Iran for scientific relations. The University of Tours was established 50 years ago, but its medical school enjoys a 300 years history, he noted.

He further added that one third of the students studying there are at graduate levels and the university has Renaissance Studies Department and it intends to hold a workshop in June 2018 and expressed hope that Iranian especially TMU students could attend the workshop. He also expressed willingness for joint academic cooperation in archeology with TMU.

To facilitate student exchange, he proposed the funds of Gundeshapur could be used for this purpose. He also proposed that the two universities cooperate on water resources.

In the same meeting, Dr. Sima and Rajabi briefly talked about water resources, water management and hydraulic structures. Dr. Vahdati Nasab also introduced the archeology department of TMU.

Dr. Desmet said that his respective university is determined to cooperate with Iranian universities and in case mutual agreements are signed between the two universities, Tours is ready to offer funds and scholarship to M.S students.

11:43 - 2017/11/28    /    number : 5915    /    Show Count : 1105
