  • دکتری (1374)

    زبان شناسی

    بزانسون، فرانسه

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    زبانشناسی همگانی

    دانشگاه تهران، ایران

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    زبان و ادبیات فرانسه

    دانشگاه اصفهان، ایران

  • شیوه های عملی آموزش زبان فرانسه
  • محتوا سازی برای متدهای آموزشی

داده ای یافت نشد



Enjeu de l’interaction dans les classes virtuelles du FLE en Iran

MR Gashmardi, P Safa, R RAHMATIAN
Journal Papers , , {Pages }


Enseignant activateur et facilitateur, ?tude de cas en Iran

Khadijeh Tavakoli, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Hamid Reza Shairi, Parivash Safa
Journal PapersRecherches en Langue et Litt?rature Fran?aises , 2019 November 19, {Pages }


On admet bien qu’une des nouvelles conceptions dans le domaine de l’enseignement des langues, est le fait que l’enseignement centr? sur l’enseignant a ?t? remplac? par l’enseignement centr? sur l’apprenant. Le d?placement d’une p?dagogie par objectifs ? une p?dagogie active, centr?e sur l’apprenant, entra?ne une modification du r?le de l’enseignant. L’enseignant n’est plus celui qui se contente de transmettre les savoirs aux apprenants. Dans les m?thodes actives, l’enseignant doit faciliter l’engagement des ?l?ves. Il doit leur proposer de suivre une d?marche active d’apprentissage ? l’?gard d’une situation complexe. Mais, la p?dagogie par objectif n’a-t-elle pas toujours privil?gi?e par les enseignants du

معلم فعال و معلم تسهیل کننده، مطالعه موردی در ایران‎

K Tavakoli, R Rahmatian, HR Shairi, P Safa
Journal Papers , , {Pages }


Enseignant activateur et facilitateur, étude de cas en Iran

K Tavakoli, R Rahmatian, HR Shairi, P Safa
Journal Papers , , {Pages }


کاستیهای آموزش درک شفاهی در محیط آموزشگاهی ایران‎

نوید آرمیون, نوید, رحمتیان, صفا, پریوش, شعیری‎
Journal Papers , , {Pages }



Journal Papers , Volume 10 , Issue 11800348, 2018 January 1, {Pages 31-46 }


IN FRENCH:Ce travail de recherche s’ inscrit dans le domaine de la lecture et de la compr?hension ?crite en fran?ais langue ?trang?re (FLE) dans un contexte iranien. Les apprenants/?tudiants iraniens de la langue fran?aise ?prouvent des difficult?s lors de la compr?hension du texte en langue ?trang?re. Dans la premi?re partie de cette recherche nous avons pr?sent?, une liste des probl?mes des apprenants iraniens dans la compr?hension du texte. Les mouvements oculaires des participants sont enregistr?s par l’appareil ?oculom?tre? dans la phase de ?collecte des donn?es?, dans la deuxi?me partie de cet article, ces mouvements sont analys?s lors de la lecture chez deux groupes d’?tudiants. Le premier groupe lit d’abord un conte en persa

Les carences d’enseignement de la CO au milieu institutionnel en Iran

Novid Armiun, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Parivash Safa, HamidReza Shairi
Journal PapersRecherches en Langue et Litterature Fran?aises , 2018 February 25, {Pages }


R?sum? Cette ?tude a pour but de relever les carences qui existent dans le domaine de l'enseignement de la comp?tence de CO chez les enseignants iraniens vu l'?cart consid?rable entre le niveau de CO et celui d'EO des apprenants iraniens dans les tests ? enjeux ?lev?s. ? cette fin, un questionnaire a ?t? con?u et distribu? par les chercheurs. Soixante enseignants de fran?ais et d'anglais ont rempli le questionnaire. Les r?sultats montrent que la plupart des enseignants consid?rent la CO comme la deuxi?me comp?tence la plus importante, la premi?re ?tant l'EO. En outre, la grande majorit? des enseignants consacrent moins de temps ? la pratique de la CO par rapport ? l'EO. Nous avons aussi conclu que les enseignants iraniens ne savent pas offr

Revue des ?tudes de la Langue Fran?aise

Hadissehalsadat Mousavi, Roya Letafati, Hamidreza Shairi, Safa Parivash
Journal Papers , 2018 January , {Pages }


Re?u: 2016/12/17, Accept?: 2018/02/25 R?sum?: Ce travail de recherche s’ inscrit dans le domaine de la lecture et de la compr?hension ?crite en fran?ais langue ?trang?re (FLE) dans un contexte iranien. Les apprenants/?tudiants iraniens de la langue fran?aise ?prouvent des difficult?s lors de la compr?hension du texte en langue ?trang?re. Dans la premi?re partie de cette recherche nous avons pr?sent?, une liste des probl?mes des apprenants iraniens dans la compr?hension du texte. Les mouvements oculaires des participants sont enregistr?s par l’appareil ?oculom?tre? dans la phase de ?collecte des donn?es?, dans la deuxi?me partie de cet article, ces mouvements sont analys?s lors de la lecture chez deux groupes d’?tudiants. Le premier gr

The French-Farsi Simultaneous Early Bilingualism in an Iranian Child—Study on the Regularity of the Presence of the Minority Language in the First Lexical Producti...

Sahar Jalilian, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Parivash Safa, Roya Letafati
Journal PapersInternational Education Studies , Volume 10 , Issue 2, 2017 January 30, {Pages 156 }


In a simultaneous bilingual education, there are many factors that can affect its success, primarily the age of the child and socio-cognitive elements. This phenomenon can be initially studied in the first lexical productions of either language in a child. The present study focuses on the early lexical developments of a child, who lives in the monolingual society of Iran, where there is no linguistic milieu for French, and has been exposed to a bilingual education since birth. Applying Ronjat’s principle of “one parent-one language”(1913), the parents have formed the child’s basic linguistic interactions; the father employs Farsi in his interactions with the child as his mother tongue while the mother uses French as her foreign lang

The Function of the Verb∫ odan (to become) in Expressing the Telic Aspect

Parivash Safa
Journal PapersLanguage Related Research , Volume 7 , Issue 7, 2017 January 15, {Pages 197-213 }


The verb ʃodan (to become) is one of the most important and frequent grammatical elements in Persian language since it participates as a light verb in the construction of a main part of compound verbs expressing different aspectual values. One of these values is the telicity, the case in which its properties and recognition criteria have not been widely studied in Persian. The present research will firstly study some of the occurrences of compound verbs in which the verb in question is being used either in present perfect or in past perfect form. The study then will examine the properties which allow to recognize the telic aspect by focusing on verbal compounds of this verb that can take part in the expression of this aspect. In the end, t

The French-Farsi Simultaneous Early Bilingualism in an Iranian Child—Study on the Regularity of the Presence of the Minority Language in the First Lexical Productions of a?…

Sahar Jalilian, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Parivash Safa, Roya Letafati
Journal PapersInternational Education Studies , Volume 10 , Issue 2, 2017 January 30, {Pages 156 }


In a simultaneous bilingual education, there are many factors that can affect its success, primarily the age of the child and socio-cognitive elements. This phenomenon can be initially studied in the first lexical productions of either language in a child. The present study focuses on the early lexical developments of a child, who lives in the monolingual society of Iran, where there is no linguistic milieu for French, and has been exposed to a bilingual education since birth. Applying Ronjat’s principle of “one parent-one language”(1913), the parents have formed the child’s basic linguistic interactions; the father employs Farsi in his interactions with the child as his mother tongue while the mother uses French as her foreign lang

The linguistic and cultural barriers and the proportions of liberty and constraint while translating sacred texts

Parivash Safa, Rouhollah Rahmatlan, Saman Mohammadi
Journal PapersThe International Journal of Humanities , Volume 23 , Issue 2, 2017 June 17, {Pages 17-27 }


The present paper is an attempt to reveal the typical difficulties to which are confronted translators of every sacred text. So, the authors of this research paper try to precise the meaning-form relations which arise from a corpus of the eighteen final surahs of the holy Quran. For this purpose, two translations of the holy book (those of Jacques Berque and Hamidullah), the most attested and credible, have been chosen and studied in this research to determine the tendencies which deform the source text while translating and which leads to different outputs. By this way, the present work will show the impact of the moderation to find out the right way between the fidelity to the form and the loyalty to the meaning.


Journal Papers , Volume 9 , Issue 11600342, 2017 January 1, {Pages 51-66 }


IN FRENCH:Elever un enfant bilingue est le souhait de certains couples appartenant aux soci?t?s monolingues qui n’ont pas le moyen naturel pour offrir aux enfants la chance de devenir bilingue. Nombreux sont les p?res et les m?res qui pratiquent une deuxi?me langue, y tiennent et souhaitent pouvoir transmettre cette passion ? leurs enfants. Cependant la question qui s’ impose c’est la mani?re de faire pour qu’un enfant devienne bilingue sans qu’il y prouve aucune obligation. Cet article est centr? sur les strat?gies discursives ? adopter dans le cas d’un bilinguisme pr?coce quand on implique la r?gle ?un parent, une langue? en faisant une ?tude longitudinale sur l’acquisition de fran?ais en Iran par une petite fille de 3 ans d

Listening is my bugbear: Why Iranian L2 learners keep underperforming in the listening module

Novid Armiun, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Parivash Safa, Hamid Reza Shairi
Journal PapersActa Scientiarum. Language and Culture , Volume 39 , Issue 4, 2017 January , {Pages 387 }


This paper shares the results of a study into the way Iranian TEF or TEFAQ candidates treat the listening comprehension as a skill as well as their awareness and exploitation of metacognitive strategies while listening to an audio document. A Persian translation of the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) was used in addition to another questionnaire specifically developed for this research in order to gage how important candidates think listening in L2 is compared to the other skills, how much time they spent on practicing listening, and how often they take advantage of authentic documents to improve their listening. Not only did the results show an underestimation of the listening comprehension skill by the majority of I

Listening is my bugbear: Why Iranian L2 learners keep underperforming in the listening module/Listening e o meu pesadelo: Por que aprendizes iranianos de L2 continuam

Novid Armiun, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Parivash Safa, Hamid Reza Shairi
Journal PapersActa Scientiarum. Language and Culture , Volume 39 , Issue 4, 2017 October 1, {Pages 387-397 }


This paper shares the results of a study into the way Iranian TEF or TEFAQ candidates treat the listening comprehension as a skill as well as their awareness and exploitation of metacognitive strategies while listening to an audio document. A Persian translation of the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) was used in addition to another questionnaire specifically developed for this research in order to gage how important candidates think listening in L2 is compared to the other skills, how much time they spent on practicing listening, and how often they take advantage of authentic documents to improve their listening. Not only did the results show an underestimation of the listening comprehension skill by the majority of I

Tude des erreurs intralinguales chez les apprenants turcophones de fran?ais langue ?trang?re.

Behrooz Rahnamayekooyan, Safa Parivash
Journal PapersSynergies Turquie , Issue 10, 2017 January 1, {Pages }


En didactique des langues ?trang?res, la part des erreurs qui proviennent de la difficult? de la langue cible est consid?rable et cela est encore plus significatif lorsqu’il y a moins de ressemblances entre celle-ci et la langue maternelle des apprenants. Dans le cadre de cet article, nous nous sommes propos? d’?tudier les erreurs intralinguales dans un corpus compos? de 14 phrases fran?aises que 270 apprenants turcophones de fran?ais langue ?trang?re de l’Universit? de Tabriz et d’un institut de langue (aux niveaux A1-B2) ont construites. Les r?sultats de la recherche montrent que les turcophones ont du mal ? former les phrases imp?ratives et n?gatives. Ils n’arrivent pas non plus ? discerner la bonne place de l’adjectif, du pr

< b> Listening is my bugbear: Why Iranian L2 learners keep underperforming in the listening module

N Armiun, R Rahmatian, P Safa, HR Shairi
Journal Papers , , {Pages }


Listening is my bugbear: Why Iranian L2 learners keep underperforming in the listening module/Listening e o meu pesadelo: Por que aprendizes iranianos de L2 continuam …

N Armiun, R Rahmatian, P Safa, HR Shairi
Journal Papers , , {Pages }


Étude des erreurs intralinguales chez les apprenants turcophones de français langue étrangère.

B Rahnamayekooyan, S Parivash
Journal Papers , , {Pages }


L’acquisition d’une langue minoritaire en appliquant des stratégies discursives et la lecture dialogique

S Jalilian, R Rahmatian, P Safa, R Letafati
Journal Papers , , {Pages }



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  • 1398
    موقرخوش بخت, نسترن
    بهبود توليد نوشتاري زبان آموزان نوجوان زبان فرانسه در ايران از طريق ارزشيابي متقابل
  • مسئول آزمایشگاه گروه زبان فرانسه دانشکده علوم انسانی
  • عضو کارگروه بررسی صلاحیت های علمی (کارگروه جذب) دانشکده علوم انسانی، گروه زبان فرانسه
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